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Unerreichte Kraft. Ultimative Leistung. Erleben Sie das führende eFoil-Antriebssystem.

Maßgeschneiderter Antrieb für jede Fahrt

Fliteboard’s innovative propulsion systems are designed to match different riding styles and conditions. Choose from the smallest, lowest-drag eFoil propulsion for powered-off wave and wake riding, or opt for maximum thrust, safety, and smooth performance.

Faltpropeller + 40mm Motor

Das leichteste und widerstandsärmste eFoil-Antriebssystem auf dem Markt. Entwickelt für Power-Off-Performance, liegt der Faltpropeller flach, wenn er nicht in Gebrauch ist, und sorgt für sanftes Gleiten und müheloses Wellenreiten. Perfekt zum Hydrofoil-Surfen und zur Maximierung der Effizienz bei jeder Session.

True Glide Prop

Dieser freidrehende Propeller ist für minimalen Widerstand und längere Fahrzeit ausgelegt. Lassen Sie den Gashebel los und gleiten Sie die Dünung hinunter, wie es die Natur vorgesehen hat.

Flite Jet 2

Our most powerful Flite Jet is also the most efficient, delivering the ultimate ride experience. It’s smoother, safer, and nearly silent, making it the perfect match for our entire range—from Flitescooter to ULTRA L2.

Flite Prop + Guard

Unser vielseitigstes und beliebtestes Antriebssystem, Flite Prop, bietet die perfekte Balance aus Schub und Effizienz für alle Fahrstile. Mit dem mitgelieferten Propellerschutz ist er außerdem eine der sichersten Optionen auf dem Wasser.

eFoil System - Schwarz

eFoil - Schwarz 75cm - Stütze & Schutz

The 75cm/29.5" eFoil is the most popular mast length and best for
versatility from carving to cruising. Soar smoothly above the water with
less risk of propeller breaches. Ideal for Fliteboard and PRO. Comes in
a stunning anodised finish.

eFoil - Schwarz 75cm - Flite Jet

The 75cm/29.5" eFoil is the most popular mast length and best for
versatility from carving to cruising. Soar smoothly above the water with
less risk of propeller breaches. Ideal for Fliteboard and PRO. Comes in
a stunning anodised finish.

eFoil - Schwarz 60cm - Stütze & Schutz

The 60cm/24" eFoil is a beginner friendly option. It is designed
specifically for Flitescooter, the most stable and buoyant board in the
range and offers the feeling of flight without soaring as high out of
the water. Comes in a stunning anodised finish.

eFoil - Schwarz 60cm - Flite Jet

Machined from a single block of aero grade aluminium and using a low
drag Conical Wing interface, for all round performance at a more
accessible price. The 80cm mast allows the rider to effortlessly
transfer from edge to edge and make deep carving turns.

Leistung eFoil System

Leistung eFoil

Schwarz 80cm - Stütze & Schutz

Machined from a single block of aero grade
aluminium and using a low drag Conical Wing interface, for all round performance at a more accessible price. The 80cm mast allows the rider to effortlessly transfer from edge to edge and make deep carving turns.

Leistung eFoil

Schwarz 80cm - Flite Jet 2

Equipped with our revolutionary Flite Jet 2 technology, this eFoil offers a quieter, smoother, more powerful, and ultra-efficient ride. The 80cm aerospace-grade aluminum mast features a low-drag Conical Wing interface for top performance at a more accessible price. Its extended length enables effortless edge-to-edge transitions and deep carving turns in flat water or surf.

Leistung eFoil

Silber 80cm - Stütze & Schutz

Machined from a single block of aero grade
aluminium and using a low drag Conical Wing interface, for all round performance at a more accessible price. The 80cm mast allows the rider to effortlessly transfer from edge to edge and make deep carving turns.

Leistung eFoil

Silber 80cm - Flite Jet 2

Equipped with our revolutionary Flite Jet 2 technology, this eFoil offers a quieter, smoother, more powerful, and ultra-efficient ride. The 80cm aerospace-grade aluminum mast features a low-drag Conical Wing interface for top performance at a more accessible price. Its extended length enables effortless edge-to-edge transitions and deep carving turns in flat water or surf.


MN Carbon eFoil System

MN Carbon eFoil System

Schwarz 82cm - Stütze

This versatile eFoil is created from the most
advanced Japanese high modulus pre-preg carbon fibre, with a 62mm/2.4” fuselage and full sized motor. The MN eFoil is a technological work of art. Designed for peak stiffness, performance and longevity, it’s cured in a state-of-the-art autoclave.

MN Carbon eFoil System

Schwarz 82cm - MN Jet 2

This versatile eFoil is created from the most
advanced Japanese high modulus pre-preg carbon fibre, with a 62mm/2.4” fuselage and full sized motor. The MN eFoil is a technological work of art. Designed for peak stiffness, performance and longevity, it’s cured in a state-of-the-art autoclave.

MN Carbon Wave eFoil System

Black 82cm - MN Wave

The smallest, lowest drag eFoil motor on the market, for advanced riders who prioritise flying using the power of swell. Formed from Japanese high modulus pre-preg carbon fibre, this surfing focused eFoil has an extremely narrow 46mm fuselage and 40mm motor.

Flite Propeller Modul

Propeller Modul


Propeller Modul


Propeller Modul


