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K 470 - Battery Safe

ZARGES K 470 - Battery Safe

Innenmaß L x B x H 550 mm × 350 mm × 220 mm
Außenmaß L x B x H 600 mm × 400 mm × 250 mm
Volumen 42 l
Material Aluminium
Nutzmaße L x B x H 390mm × 190mm × 100mm
Nutzlänge 390 mm
Farbe der Stapelecken Alu, natur
Griffe Federfallgriffe
Anzahl Griffe 3
Dichtung geschäumte Deckeldichtung
Verschlüsse Comfortverschlüsse
Material der Stapelecken Aluminium
max. Bruttomasse Gefahrgutzulassung 65 kg
Gewicht 11.5 kg

ZARGES K 470 - Battery Safe
ZARGES K 470 - Battery Safe Angebot€1.284,01


• Suitable for the transport of prototypes, damaged or defective batteries, critically defective batteries (according to SV 376 and P911 ADR), and batteries for disposal and recycling.

• Successfully passed real fire tests for critically defective lithium batteries with nominal energy exceeding 1,384 Wh (determination of influencing factors such as cell chemistry and construction available upon request from ZARGES).

• Maximum external temperature below 100°C, no release of flames or fragments in case of an accident.

• High puncture resistance, making it suitable for high-performance batteries such as power tool batteries.

• Padding and absorbent material are non-flammable, non-conductive, and dust-free.

• Usable interior dimensions: approx. 390 x 190 x 100 mm.

• Ideal for storing lithium-ion batteries.

• Optimized thermal protection through additional heat protection plates.

Notes and Special Features

  • Products approved according to GGV cannot be returned.
  • Usable interior dimensions: approx. 390 x 190 x 100 mm.

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