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This is the perfect extension to floating Platforms and create a dock for any Foil board on the market. The Foil Ramp can be inflated within seconds and is super easy to be attached to Yachtbeach Platforms, Pools or Docks with just 2 of the Yachtbeach Handles Connectors. The Yachtbeach super slippery top Surface enables going in and out with the Foil Board without any challenge. Be surprised how easy you can now dock and restart your Foil and most important keep damages from the yacht away. Protected by International Patent.
Constitution of YB FOIL RAMP
Main Platform: 148 cm width, 185 cm length (into the water)
5 cm HDDS Top, 20 cm Tube
Weight incl. bag: approx. 13 kg – 28,66lbs
Packing size: approx. 75x51x29cm – 30″x20″x12″
Foam Surface/Foam Top:
UV and saltwater resistant
mit rutschfestem PVC-Material überzogen
Durch internationales Patent geschützt
Optionen auswählen

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